Wednesday, May 5, 2010

a moment of social incompetence...

Today I suffered from a very...very awkward embarrassing moment.

Let's just say my social skills in dealing with the opposite sex are....sub-par.

It may not have been awkward for the other person...

but it was certainly uncomfortable for me.

So much so, that I afterwards walked to my car and threw a fit similar to the one Ryan Reynolds throws in Just Friends....

It's done now, and all I can do about is groan and laugh. So you may as well get a giggle out of it!

Enjoy :)

(the first half of this video is irrelevant to my situation. the fit in the car, however, is pretty spot on)


Rachel Lillian said...

HA! I love this movie! And I miss you!

Colleen said...

Oh, I hope your person didn't leave his gloves in the car!

Much love - looking forward to a sister-date!

Colleen said...

I don't think that we ever got to the end of this story the other night! Sorry - I never realized how many rabbits our family chases until Larry started making fun of me after each family get-together!

I will listen when we are together next week! I promise!