In the past eight days, I remembered why I don't do blog challenges or Bible reading plans or one consistent devotional book.
I'm stubborn.
I don't like being told what to do. ;)
So twenty consecutive days of me following that blog challenge to a "t"...was impressive. Trust me.
But I'll make it up to you!
Day Twenty-One: A picture of something that makes you happy.
Going to get ice cream makes me oh so happy :)
Day Twenty-Two: What makes you different from someone else?
I cry way more than most people...and it's ok. It makes me, me.
Usually, I'd rather be alone than with other people.
I tell my family everything...way more than I tell anyone else.
I can remember everything. It's good and bad.
Day Twenty-Three: Something you crave a lot.
Ice. Cream. :)
And spaghetti.
There are lots of things I could live without...but those two have to stay!
Day Twenty-Four: A letter to your parents.
oh goodness...did I tell you I cry more than most? :)
Dear Daddy and Momma,
I love you both more than you know, more than I could adequately tell you. Thank you for being parents, so that now you're two of my best friends. You've taught me that faith means walking in obedience even without any answers. You've taught me to do what I know is right even when everyone thinks the wrong thing is acceptable. You taught me to give and not take: to look for people who need friends instead of waiting to be befriended, to look for a church where I can serve instead of one that caters to my needs. You listen and give wisdom. We have fun and laugh together. You want me to be myself....but the best way. Love you both! So much.
Day Twenty-Five: What you would find in my bag.
What wouldn't you find in my bag?
Wallet. Phone. Three kinds of gum. 19 bobby pins. 6 ponytail holders. 8 movie ticket stubs. An ESV pocket Bible. Headphones. 2 post-it stacks. 7 pens. Hand sanitizer. Lotion. Flossers. Water bottle. Random gift cards with unknown balances. Camera. Bandaids. And more...but that list is long enough :)
Day Twenty-Six: What do you think about your friends?
Well that's a stupid question. I love them!
I think my friends are beautiful. They're smart--they have good heads on their shoulders. They're more stunning than they realize and stronger than they give themselves credit for. They're dependable. They're fun. They listen well and love BIG.
Day Twenty-Seven: There is no day twenty-seven.....I guess that makes this a 29 day challenge :)
Day Twenty-Eight: A picture of you from last year, and one from this year. What's changed since then?
Last year.
This year.
Graduated. New school. New town.
I've learned how it feels to be really hurt....and how to better stand up for myself. I'm learning how to slow down, how to work hard and still have fun.
Pretty much, everything's changed.
Except for my hair.
Day Twenty-Nine: In this past month, what have you learned?
In the past month, I've re-learned why I love new starts. I've learned that a lot of what I've heard people tell me about myself lately...are all lies...and that distance from those people is a really good thing.
In the past month, I've learned that sometimes it doesn't matter how hard you look for a job, it's just going to take longer than expected to find one.
In the past month, I've learned my way around Texas A&M. I've learned that, with my new roommates, God blessed me far beyond what I asked of Him.
Next month should be good.
I'm with you on sticking to a plan of any kind :D Don't get me wrong, they're great, but as soon as I've made one, it's likely to change at least a dozen times. I've enjoyed reading through some of your posts! Found your blog while blog-hoppin'
I think that you might just be trying to put off the 100th post!
considering mom was the only one who expressed any interest in the 100th post're probably right ;)
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