Monday, December 10, 2012

I just wanted the moment...

You know that moment when you sit down with a friend you've been missing? You've had so much to tell, so much to share and unload, but when you're finally in front of them...

There's nothing to say.

I'm so there.
I never know where to start. Do I start with the big news and then trickle down to the little stories? Do I build up to most exciting happenings? The moment itself is just better than anything in the storehouse. I thought I wanted to talk...

But I really just wanted the moment.
The quiet. The togetherness.

I've known that feeling often with friends.
I've felt it lately with my journal.
I feel it now with you.

Where do I even start?

I have a whole list of posts to come. I can't wait to share some of these soon:
to my little sister in first year of college
about my new job
sister: my cup of tea
let your heart be light.
series: the Aggies taught me...
watch your margins

I've missed you guys!


Colleen said...

Bring it, Sister

Anonymous said...

so good! can't wait to read 'em.