Monday, February 15, 2010


I just thought I would inform all you blurkers* that after one week with my water water water mindset, healthier food choices, and Alli........

drum roll please

I lost four pounds!

It's a small amount in the scheme of things, but I'm pretty stinkin' excited!

*And yes, I called you blurkers. Blog. Lurkers. Because I'm well aware that you read my blog and just never say anything....but I know you're there. I have my ways ;)


Lisa said...

I'm a blurker!!!

Regan said...

YAY four pounds! That's a huge deal and you're doing great!

Brittany Fletcher said...

Holy 4! Yep, 4 pounds is a holy number because it is more that 0. Praise Jesus for your discipline. Im so proud of you sweet friend!

Colleen said...

Fabulous Four! Good Job!

Jamie Mae =] said...

I'm probably a blurker. But for the record, you're not even following my blog.


I'm excited for you sister...and excited to see you SOON!!!

Becky Kiser said...

that is not a small amount. so proud of you!!!